Why Do People Think Smart Parking is a Good Idea?

Animish Agrawal
3 min readNov 25, 2020

Brief History Of Parking Doesn’t Have To Be Hard.

Vehicle parking is located at the urban intersection of Management of mobility and space. The first Generation, or Parking 1.0, had no service at all. Offers just a basic space rental model. This was handled and manually controlled. Parking 2.0 provided electronic services, such as electronic services, Parking meters that automated the charge partially by collection an audit programs. The new generation, Parking 3.0, offers simple automation that enables users to manage the entire parking life cycle independently, from checking the status of parking vacancy to issuing tickets, parking, and fee settlement.

Albert Einstein on Parking 4.0

In the current context, rising parking capacity will become a concern thanks to the increased shortage of metropolitan free space, while diminishing demand would undermine the mobility experience of the residents. Using predictive analytics, experience engineering and new business models, Parking 4.0 will improve the performance of parking systems with an urban optimization approach that involves both space and mobility dimensions.

How to Stay Popular in the Market Drivers for Parking 4.0 ?

Social : Traffic congestion is a major consequence of rising motorization, which is increasing demand for secure parking spaces , especially in central areas. In this sense, as opposed to outdoor parking, the emphasis is fast switching to off-street indoor parking, as the latter consumes valuable and available street space.

Technological: Information on parking status is collected by last-mile data collection systems that are made up of sensors and access technologies. With the aid of barriers at parking point of entry, most parking spaces typically just provide general information. However, going to a higher degree of granularity includes the installation of dedicated sensors at each parking spot, alongside connectivity to transmit the data collected to the control center.

Economic: Several parking management system installations have occurred in different parts of the globe, with investments also growing gradually over the years. In addition to the technical insights, these ventures have also identified that, despite all the technological drivers, its one-time implementation cost is quite high and securing the requisite funding is a challenge without government subsidies. SPOTBOT tries to reduce this cost by providing customized parking solutions (in/on ground sensors) along with custom API’s to B2B clients

Best Parking 4.0 Future Of The Market And Opportunities Tips You Will Read This Year

The demand for parking and its business models split into three big horizontals. The first horizontal involves designing various sensors and techniques to allow for new or more cost-effective observations. The second is the strategic deployment which involves building up the needs of parking management system to scale of data collection , data storage and data curation. The third horizontal model discusses the need for a portfolio of analytical techniques to turn the data collected into actionable information.

The car park industry is expected to develop as smart and green with the commercialization of emerging technology. With the arrival of new ecosystem players and investors, the early positive disruption of this market is expected (or is beginning) to occur with:

Electric Vehicles which may add another dimension to car parking by creating a demand of charging stations and hence impacting the need for development of smart parking solutions.

Autonomous vehicles which may alter the traditional manual parking system and promote more smart solutions like robotic valet parking and other self parking solutions.

Uberization is a common mobility tool in the last mile, a short-range, or an occasional experience for its economic purposes and often a rewarding and enhanced travel experience. It will, therefore, continue to co-exist with other modes of transport to serve a broader portfolio of mobility needs. Thus, amid healthy competition, the future of Parking 4.0 seems very promising.

Houdini’s Guide To Conclusion

Smart Parking , operates on the concept of habitats and a notion of abundance. It not only improves performance at macro level, but also improves the performance at individual level. In this context, the future of parking will emerge as an ecosystem play, involving individuals, car park owners, automotive OEMs, solution integrators and other stakeholders. By incorporating the social, economic and technological drivers , smart parking is projected to create an opportunity for sensors, API’s, Parking Analytics and many more.

To know more about the SPOTBOT the Smart parking solution visit and contact us here



Animish Agrawal

Marketing and Tech Enthusiast. Working on exploring the ECommerce space.